Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 3 : Sociology, Technology

In this part of the class we discuss what was Sociology and how it's related to our daily lives. Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology is a very diverse in terms of what kind of subjects we all are talking about including the society around of us. We discuss how technology is affecting the society we are living in. I could relate because we were asked to read an article " Is Google Making Us Stupid" I believe it has impacted most of us in a negative way and a positive way because we can choose to abuse its overall power of Google. The positive affects are if you can not find what you are looking for then it is your last resource which we use everyday. Its a tool what we could use nearly for anything that is concerning our minds and what we can not find out any other way. Then there are times when technology affects your total health, eye sights, being lazy in the use of technology verses doing things manually because its much faster now.

We had a debate where one team had the positive affects of technology versus the negative affects of technology in our daily lives. How advancements in technology have made equipments lighter and portable with full computing capabilities such as calculators, calendars, notepads, dictionary, textbooks, and encyclopedia. Also, the negative part is the privacy when messaging on any social media websites such as facebook, twitter, and instagram. Governments will have these information in their data base once it has been posted out there. Then there's location when you message someone you could actually see where they are at that very moment if you choose to make your location available publicly. But technology overall will always have its good parts in them going against the negative part of technology in today society. First of all using technology is everywhere like using the subway metro cards, smart phones being used every where. Making purchases on your phone in many stores and many other innovations.

In one of my previous work, I had to present a persuasive advertisement and I picked this drinking & driving ad where it showed a very strong persuasive image. It almost had me fool in this image because it portrayed a very strong focus of what it was trying to show. Also, there are many consequences and dangerous pathways this ad is showing to us. It is actually telling us the actual image you will see when you decide to drink and drive on the road as soon you enter any type of car.

This is a very effective persuasive ad because its a visual of what you will see when someone drinks and drive. It shows roads that are twisted with curves that looks like a roller coaster and how this would go in this case but its going to be the driver who is drinking. Also, the road is showing the other roads that is collided with one another. It shows a complex picture of how the road direction can lead to a very dangerous pathway to your future and life.


This video made me think how fallacy can be presented in the society. How it was presented in many paintings, sculptures, and other work of art. If it was showing a fake image to our face or when we are trying to describe them. I believe fallacies made you think beyond what you can understand and look very carefully when you are observing many of these things. The video shows different types of fallacies that we are not seeing and why it was very important to know. Also, how false most fallacies could be and true too because many people will have a difficult time in identifying fallacies, even if they don't know that they are doing it.

This was a very interesting video when I watched it because it talks about the logical fallacy, when it can be either true or false. Also, this video made me understand what a logical fallacy is by the video giving an example like 1+2=3 or it could say 1+2=1 which is a false logical fallacy.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


In this topic I learned what a fallacy is and the meaning of what a fallacy is. The definition of a fallacy is a statement that does not have logic behind the reasoning of the statement. But most of these statements in most readings, newspaper, and in the news are either true or false depending how it is presented to you. It has to reveal a lack in the reasoning of the logic. There are different types of fallacies and there are two types the first one is a formal fallacy and the second is a
substantive fallacy. Most articles has a formal fallacies which was easier to identify which has inappropriate connections are failures of logical connections these articles are trying to make.

The other fallacy is substantive which is the inappropriate connections involve reliance on some very general unjustified assumptions or inferences. This fallacy is probably the more difficult ones because I was having problem myself on how to identify a substantive fallacy in one of my many articles I was reading . I had no clue which statement was a substantive statement in one of the articles I printed out from one of the newspaper websites I was on.

1. Critical Thinking

I believed that critical thinking is the use of just thinking beyond the knowledge of what you can produce but the other factors that we all can process through out our minds alone. Also, it is the knowledge you can expand on the topic that you are currently trying to incorporate into your mind and your physical being that shows you are capable of understanding the type of difficult reading you can understand. Critical thinking is a process that leads us to more questions, that leads to more discussions, engaging the audience, carefully reading beyond what the reading produces, and talks about a more wider ideas and issues around all of us. Its proposing to a greater cause to not only the reader but a wider range of ideas that surrounds everyone. Also, what I also said about what critical thinking is that the knowledge you have and could expand on the topic on hand. It is based on your personal experiences, social experiences that questions if you can answer fully enough through the process of skills you can acquire through synthesizing many of the text you read in your everyday life. If you you can fully think more about these type of questions and can base it on your own answers then you can fully think critically. Critical thinking is a broad skills that can be incorporated in various subjects that can posses various answers for different subjects.

It is based on your personal experiences, questions we all can answer fully, thinking beyond the questions at hand of the time, and based it on your own experiences. Then I believe you can think critically based on what else you can produce throughout your own experiences from the past. Critical thinking is also based on how you can produce a good quality question where many believe they can not answer but actually could do it. A good question is when you can answer but can expand more about it and also question is not just a yes or no question. It is where you can elaborate your answers into complex answers on the question and base it on your own experiences you may concentrate on. These examples are what do you think about this certain topic and what are the main points or sub points in this passage? It is going beyond the text where you can actually make connections based on your life time experiences. Also, it is expressing many of your answers in different ways rather than the answers you can directly get from the text. It is with this skill that you connect the text with many of the disciplines you have learned into your life, so you can relate this to your own personal experience.