In an article that I have read, it discussed the importance about college students should be learning the necessary skills in facing the real world when they graduate. Many students showed that learning and utilizing liberal education into their college experiences because in the workplace many expect that students can think critically on their feet, clear communication skills, and writing skills. Also, it is essential that these skills are being incorporated regardless of your major because many students are constantly learning the skills and making it a everyday use or tool that they need. Then in making the skills essential you are making your life better through better judgement skills. As a result of my college I'm learning how I can reflect to the reality world, what I have to face when the time comes in taking many foundation classes that is required by the school to ensure they necessary tools are met for the working environment when you are graduating. This will then prepare me as a NYIT student to face the world out there and around us in the business world. Also, the purpose of higher education is learning about what you are intended to do, using the life long skills, and practicing these skills by practical practices. After, many college sees that it is not about your major but how you will utilize it, critical thinking is necessary so you can understand facts through many discussions. It is about synthesizing and understanding the facts inside and out from these essential tools that you gain. I agree because this teaches you a real life spend lesson that will prepare you better for what is out there . Therefore, it is beneficial for you especially in the workplace to have in order to be successful after a high education experience.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Philosophy Image
This was from one of the major philosophers of our time who was Socrates. He has always said that life that is unexamined is not worth living because Socrates questions many people how they are living their life, their purpose of life without those answers then life is not worth living. Until many people find the meaning of why they are living a life and finding the mysteries of living a life then it is examine to live a life, where then it is worth living in this society. Without any meaning of living a life, the life then is not worth living at that time.
Essential Philosophical Questions: " The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living" - Philosophy
In a recent activity that I did in my FCIQ class was questioning a question, where many classmates would have to respond to an end product of our groups of this philosophy group activity. In my group the philosophical question we asked with my group was " What is honesty" in my opinion honesty has negative and positive impacts because honesty has many different layer of levels. Honesty can be telling a lie or not when in reality it is actually the truth you are telling to someone or something. The response I give to the class during my group presentation was first by telling a quote by Rick Riordan " It takes strength and courage to admit the truth". In simplifying this into my own words I said it in my own words which was it takes your physical abilities and mental being in order to tell the truth through our your personal experiences, social life, and all other life that reflects honesty because honesty is within your words of talking verbally. Also, it takes your whole well being to take in the truth knowing it will hurt someone else in admitting it to the truth than actually lying about it in reality. In connection with the other disciplines I believe that sociology make me especially think different in how I see things in my mind now because in the first unit logic has made me develop more ideas in order to focus better in philosophy discipline, so I can better understand this discipline better than the text can ever say directly to me when I analyze it.
Damon Horowitz: Philosophy in prison
In Damon Horowitz Ted talk he discusses about a student from a state university one day taking a gun and flashing it by killing someone. Now he is charge with a felony in jail for life for 25 years or so. Now in prison teaching a course on the foundations of Ethics. Tony says what are you going to teach me about right and wrong. Where I know and I have done only wrong. I am told everyday by every face who cross path by me that I am wrong and by the wall especially in a prison cell. There will always be a mark by my name in what I have done or committed to myself in my felony. It is said that I'm a convict that I am granted wrong in what I have done, what you are telling me about right and and wrong. But by his professor in this prison university he says in a calm voice its worse than you actually think Tony and you think you know right or wrong. Also, thinking what wrong really is, I want to know the wrongness of wrong itself. It is the idea of wrong and doing wrong. What makes something wrong and how it is actually wrong. Maybe one is wrong about the wrong. We are here for knowledge, and I am tired of being so wrong all the time. I want to know what I know. The project of questioning in what we believe in, and why we believe it. I'm not a professor or a teacher who is teaching the student. I'm not a professor and student but it is two minds that is ready to solve and question the power of using the essential tools of philosophy. I believe this connects back to sociology because it studies what happened to Tony in the incident where it shows his mental development when he did something wrong. Also, it shows that everyone is wrong in their own way like myself for instance no one will ever be perfect, even though you still practice and so close to be perfect. But there will be mistakes that are not so obvious for your eyes to catch, where it shows that being wrong is a good thing where there are different level of the wrongness.
In Damon Horowitz Ted talk he discusses about a student from a state university one day taking a gun and flashing it by killing someone. Now he is charge with a felony in jail for life for 25 years or so. Now in prison teaching a course on the foundations of Ethics. Tony says what are you going to teach me about right and wrong. Where I know and I have done only wrong. I am told everyday by every face who cross path by me that I am wrong and by the wall especially in a prison cell. There will always be a mark by my name in what I have done or committed to myself in my felony. It is said that I'm a convict that I am granted wrong in what I have done, what you are telling me about right and and wrong. But by his professor in this prison university he says in a calm voice its worse than you actually think Tony and you think you know right or wrong. Also, thinking what wrong really is, I want to know the wrongness of wrong itself. It is the idea of wrong and doing wrong. What makes something wrong and how it is actually wrong. Maybe one is wrong about the wrong. We are here for knowledge, and I am tired of being so wrong all the time. I want to know what I know. The project of questioning in what we believe in, and why we believe it. I'm not a professor or a teacher who is teaching the student. I'm not a professor and student but it is two minds that is ready to solve and question the power of using the essential tools of philosophy. I believe this connects back to sociology because it studies what happened to Tony in the incident where it shows his mental development when he did something wrong. Also, it shows that everyone is wrong in their own way like myself for instance no one will ever be perfect, even though you still practice and so close to be perfect. But there will be mistakes that are not so obvious for your eyes to catch, where it shows that being wrong is a good thing where there are different level of the wrongness.
Philosophy - A Guide to Happiness: Socrates on Self-Confidence
In this video it talks about the most influential philosopher of Ancient Greece in Athens of all time. This philosopher we all came to know in today society is Socrates, where it says what does the ancient philosophers has to say to us in Ancient Greece today. Almost 2,500 years ago a philosopher by the name of Socrates was born here in Athens, Greece. He has came to symbolize the inspiration how thinking logically about our lives is more certain about life and to set that dream free. Socrates never wrote anything down but Socrates stands out than most philosophers because he was one of the greatest philosophers we all came to know. Another fact about the philosopher Socrates was that he was extremely ugly. Many of his friends always was comparing him to many animals, sea creatures, and other living organism that was as ugly as him. One of Socrates inspiring ideas was to find ways to build confidence in our own beliefs and didn't believe the opinions of others but own very own beliefs that we had. An life example of this was at a company call bio tech, where a director thinking that he is correct but his employees think that he is totally wrong where he becomes very frustrated about it, he doesn't sleep, his mind is playing tricks on him. In this field technology is very complicated in many aspects but he is very good in it, where he understands it very well. Another aspect that was discussed in the video was to think that people in authority is always correct in a situation like this one for example. One of the things Socrates would do as well in this case was the power of questioning many people about their lives and how they are living it. After, he says what kind of feelings you would get when you are living a life you love. Then in making trouble for the wrong reasons for most of the time.
In this video it talks about the most influential philosopher of Ancient Greece in Athens of all time. This philosopher we all came to know in today society is Socrates, where it says what does the ancient philosophers has to say to us in Ancient Greece today. Almost 2,500 years ago a philosopher by the name of Socrates was born here in Athens, Greece. He has came to symbolize the inspiration how thinking logically about our lives is more certain about life and to set that dream free. Socrates never wrote anything down but Socrates stands out than most philosophers because he was one of the greatest philosophers we all came to know. Another fact about the philosopher Socrates was that he was extremely ugly. Many of his friends always was comparing him to many animals, sea creatures, and other living organism that was as ugly as him. One of Socrates inspiring ideas was to find ways to build confidence in our own beliefs and didn't believe the opinions of others but own very own beliefs that we had. An life example of this was at a company call bio tech, where a director thinking that he is correct but his employees think that he is totally wrong where he becomes very frustrated about it, he doesn't sleep, his mind is playing tricks on him. In this field technology is very complicated in many aspects but he is very good in it, where he understands it very well. Another aspect that was discussed in the video was to think that people in authority is always correct in a situation like this one for example. One of the things Socrates would do as well in this case was the power of questioning many people about their lives and how they are living it. After, he says what kind of feelings you would get when you are living a life you love. Then in making trouble for the wrong reasons for most of the time.
In my FCIQ class we discussed what were the definition of philosophy. The definition of philosophy was based on many people throughout many cultures which was how well formulated the the question was being asked by the individual. These questions were based on the concern of the nature of reality, happiness, love, government, good and evil, and so on. Also, it is how well of an answer can be backed up through your experiences, virtues, knowledge, wisdom, and the right way to live a very good life. An example is Aristotle who believed that philosophy was based on love of wisdom through possessing in wondering and curiosity. He believes in possessing the power of excellence, the wise one who always the one who was always questioning their authority. The word philosophy comes from a combination of two Greek words which was philos and sophia which means love of wisdom, where you need to desire something in order to love. Also, wisdom is knowledge through the universe. Then there was a group of thinkers that was called Pre-Socratics who was intensely interested in nature, in know the development of the universe, and figuring out how everything came to live and made. The many works of Philosophers were categorized in 6 themes which were metaphysics, logic, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics.
Steven Levitt: The freakonomics of crack dealing
In Steven Levitt Ted talk, he is first explaining and describing the drugs lords of America and the gang affiliation which he says is the worse job to have in the United States. Also, he talks about what went on in the 1980s in the United States when there was a lot of gang affiliation , where there were gang leaders that had a lot of power, prestige , and fight with a lot of individuals physically but these type of gang people were not making any money like a normal person would do. During this time crack cocaine was very popular at the time because during the time the market was very competitive. Cocaine was selling by a lot of gang people it was like the extra chunk of tomato sauce that was mentioned in the video. In the last 25 years cocaine was the biggest innovation in the time by getting the brain high which was like an addiction of the time. The drug was selling because of the high which was a very wonderful market at the time, where it made a lot of money. In this part of the video Steven friend, a sociologist who was a south Asian freak friend he had at the University of Chicago where he surveyed people across the nation in the toughest neighborhood project in the nation. This was during the crack epidemic where he entered a building to find out about the gang, where they almost shoot but luckily he had his board that protected him. He went to find out the life of a gang in order to do a survey they usually would shoot first then answer questions last. They learned about the insights of a gang financial world they had, where they compared hierarchy's of a gang compared to to McDonald's employers world.
In Steven Levitt Ted talk, he is first explaining and describing the drugs lords of America and the gang affiliation which he says is the worse job to have in the United States. Also, he talks about what went on in the 1980s in the United States when there was a lot of gang affiliation , where there were gang leaders that had a lot of power, prestige , and fight with a lot of individuals physically but these type of gang people were not making any money like a normal person would do. During this time crack cocaine was very popular at the time because during the time the market was very competitive. Cocaine was selling by a lot of gang people it was like the extra chunk of tomato sauce that was mentioned in the video. In the last 25 years cocaine was the biggest innovation in the time by getting the brain high which was like an addiction of the time. The drug was selling because of the high which was a very wonderful market at the time, where it made a lot of money. In this part of the video Steven friend, a sociologist who was a south Asian freak friend he had at the University of Chicago where he surveyed people across the nation in the toughest neighborhood project in the nation. This was during the crack epidemic where he entered a building to find out about the gang, where they almost shoot but luckily he had his board that protected him. He went to find out the life of a gang in order to do a survey they usually would shoot first then answer questions last. They learned about the insights of a gang financial world they had, where they compared hierarchy's of a gang compared to to McDonald's employers world.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Economics-Currency vs Money - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Mike Maloney
In Mike Maloney video on Currency Vs Money, I have learned a lot from this video on the many factors that made these two things different from each other and how they have impacted us around the globe for thousands of years. First of all your true wealth is your time and freedom, where money is just a tool for trading your time. Then its a container to store your economic energy until you are ready to deploy. The whole world have been turned away from the real world that fools everyone. Time and freedom has been constantly been stealing away from us. Wealthy is only transferred, where the best investment is education because in the global economy it works. If you understand how the financial side works, then you can put yourself in the correct pathway of wealth transfer. The further you look into the past, the further you will be looking into the future. Federal Reserve was never a part of the U.S, where many people never knew that it was not a part of the U.S. Also, there were many corruptions that were in the Financial world had but Mike cleared everything up by his book he wrote. This showed everything about the financial world, where everything started by the Egyptians about 5,000 years ago where they have used gold and silver as a form of currency with odd sizes. Currency is a medium of exchange, a unit of account. But Money is a medium of exchange of account that was portable, durable, and divisible fungible. Gold and silver stores a large unit of value balancing the values for thousands of years. Finally, the difference between currency and money is that money must be store of value and maintain its purchasing power over long periods of time.
In Mike Maloney video on Currency Vs Money, I have learned a lot from this video on the many factors that made these two things different from each other and how they have impacted us around the globe for thousands of years. First of all your true wealth is your time and freedom, where money is just a tool for trading your time. Then its a container to store your economic energy until you are ready to deploy. The whole world have been turned away from the real world that fools everyone. Time and freedom has been constantly been stealing away from us. Wealthy is only transferred, where the best investment is education because in the global economy it works. If you understand how the financial side works, then you can put yourself in the correct pathway of wealth transfer. The further you look into the past, the further you will be looking into the future. Federal Reserve was never a part of the U.S, where many people never knew that it was not a part of the U.S. Also, there were many corruptions that were in the Financial world had but Mike cleared everything up by his book he wrote. This showed everything about the financial world, where everything started by the Egyptians about 5,000 years ago where they have used gold and silver as a form of currency with odd sizes. Currency is a medium of exchange, a unit of account. But Money is a medium of exchange of account that was portable, durable, and divisible fungible. Gold and silver stores a large unit of value balancing the values for thousands of years. Finally, the difference between currency and money is that money must be store of value and maintain its purchasing power over long periods of time.
Economics-How to Rebuild Haiti after the Quake
In class I had to pick an article about a country that had economic challenges or economic changes.. I picked this article about Haiti earthquake that occurred in 2010. In the year 2010 no one of Haiti would ever forget this tragic day that destroyed billions of dollars that was lose of the massive earthquake it this country or island in the Caribbean. This was a low population country that lost 200,000 plus people on the day people wont forget. It was where millions of people who became homeless, who lose jobs, and a country that was just devastated by a national disaster. Many federal buildings, jobs, and all other aspects of this country was deduced by this catastrophic disaster. Many challenges arise by not enough food for the citizens of Haiti, providing housing by the government, and most of all clean water. There was many debated on how to rebuild the country and discussions on how to bring about future prosperous endeavors for a country that could have a stable future to come. Many international organizations was at Haiti aide to help this country grow back by first of all the government could not replace by any of these aid organizations. The public of Haiti's sector has to be strengthened in order to provide the proper help and resources for the Haitians. This was a very great reason because no government was not going to come back until the public is strengthened. Until the government was ready to do its functions as it was intended to do so in the end. Also , Haiti country director for CARE international that many aided organizations and elections are not necessary in this case because the country at that state needed better tools which means a successful community economic and social developments by the people and leaders. There needs to be big donations and investments as part in putting back Haitian to work in order to rebuild this country.
In building back this country this means adding educational institutions such as schools, hospitals, and public services in getting the government back up there. Not even 30% estimated of the money that was donated only was for the recovery in 2012-2011 period. Many of this money was not even reach by all of the population and the quality of these resources was not up there it was still poor. As it in the beginning of my first paragraph the Haiti's public sector needs to become better until the government has the proper tools for the need of the population which it will remain or call the "republic of NGOs". The $10.2 billion that was promised for a massive job creation in order for the citizens to have many good jobs for descent employment which meant a big increase in moving the country forward as one union of population. These jobs were clearing rubble, reconstruction of federal buildings, and planting trees. Millions of Haitians was still living in many camps up to date that used a lot of the capital of Haiti's space. Many conditions was still unsafe and not a very healthy which spread illnesses and diseases. Many had to sacrifice this because there was no where for anyone to go without the proper housing to live in. Without a public section there was no way for proper housing, healthcare, education, jobs, and other basic public resources.
In building back this country this means adding educational institutions such as schools, hospitals, and public services in getting the government back up there. Not even 30% estimated of the money that was donated only was for the recovery in 2012-2011 period. Many of this money was not even reach by all of the population and the quality of these resources was not up there it was still poor. As it in the beginning of my first paragraph the Haiti's public sector needs to become better until the government has the proper tools for the need of the population which it will remain or call the "republic of NGOs". The $10.2 billion that was promised for a massive job creation in order for the citizens to have many good jobs for descent employment which meant a big increase in moving the country forward as one union of population. These jobs were clearing rubble, reconstruction of federal buildings, and planting trees. Millions of Haitians was still living in many camps up to date that used a lot of the capital of Haiti's space. Many conditions was still unsafe and not a very healthy which spread illnesses and diseases. Many had to sacrifice this because there was no where for anyone to go without the proper housing to live in. Without a public section there was no way for proper housing, healthcare, education, jobs, and other basic public resources.
I believe that economics have made a tremendous change in many cultures and societies so it could have major impacts on the people. One of these important factors of economics is diversity because it is important to attract many talented individuals because with diversity we have income, higher technology, and geographic development. Also, there are many diversities to ensure great effectiveness and reassurance in the economy and in getting a lot of profit by the economy people. Also, there is nightlife the entertainment aspect of this which is part in attracting the educated young minded people, we have many factors that deals with talents. Talent can also have a great influence in the society for new ideas, technological innovations, and inventions so the diversity can be attracted to these new products in the end. This shows how diversity can grow a city or town as one of the areas of economics. Many people work or is employed in many different fields of discipline. Immigration for example impacts how culture can have a major role . We have immigration to make the diversity large and for more competition in these areas. Your race, ethnicity, nationality, and culture can have a more closer impact and see what fields people can choose based on its statistics. We can see which nationality has the most engineers, scientists, economist and so forth. Talent is defined with people with high levels of human capital, measured as the percentage of the population with a bachelor's degree and beyond.
I believe that all this impacts on how I go to school and how I'm living my life as a college student because many of us try to enjoy the nightlife which raises questions about the competition of the economy. This raises the competition with many businesses in the areas like bars, lounges, night clubs, and many other businesses where economy raises questions about the diversity. Also, many of us shop as well with different cultures shops for different variation of things such as groceries, clothing, religious items for many cultures. Also, geographic location is very important as well which has a significant impact on all cultures and city governments. These are where if the economy level rises or decreases depending on how stable it is by its location. This reason is by the many businesses and and the bunch of talented people who surrounds their selves at the center of competition based on how many ideas, college education, and how experience can also have an effective role on the city's or towns economy. Its hard to say when we live in a country that is big as 300 million plus people who comes for different reasons. Also, where the world's most diverse nation comes in one place.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Manhattan Project- Atomic Bomb
History - Examples of Technological Advancements in World War II

As history changes, there comes many more modern destruction and well as rise in production of many different kind of weapons. These weapons with their technology are more capable of doing more massive destruction and technology has evolved as well as weapons which made weapons more dangerous and better for the modern age. With inventions comes with massive guns for more destruction and more power for the future. One of these inventions was the tank in World War I that was called Plan 1919 which was used by the British. Also, Germany's superior mobility technologies also included aircraft and tanks.
Debate on legalizing and not legalizing Marijuana- Wednesday
In a recent debate I had in class last week Wednesday we focused on legalizing marijuana and not legalizing marijuana. My group was selected to do Anti-marijuana discussion on Wednesday where we had to come up with ideas about why legalizing marijuana would be negative and why legalizing marijuana would make a positive impact in the society. The reasons why marijuana should not be legalized is because it causes many people to have depression, psychological, and addiction problems with marijuana. Also, it will cause people to have psychological, brain, bad judgements,and lack in development problems. It will make you very addicted in doing marijuana a lot. In recreational uses it will have negative affects as well and the medical affects on the society. How this would later on have an influence on the later generation who will want use marijuana for their pleasure. Beside all the negative affects there are also positive affects where there are many different types of plants for marijuana. Also with marijuana you could use it for industrial purposes which makes bibles and other resources along with it. On a daily basis with marijuana you tend to get very addicted that you couldn't do without it for a day or so. Marijuana has a lot of good in terms of the great cause it can do for medical use like for a lot of treatments in medical centers and other places that can make everyone think about marijuana in a different way as a drug. But marijuana can have a long term positive effect if many people can see it from this point of view rather than being so negative about the use of marijuana. There have been a lot of research about the positive and negative impacts so far in many research centers.

Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global good
In this video about many different global issues we are facing, Gordon Brown presents by showing everyone illustrations about how kids in other countries are suffering and how they are mistreated. I believe its very sad that no one has stand up for their rights for kids who are in poverty, being shot, standing up for what is right and so on. Gordon talks about how no one is showing concern for what is needed and how much people are blind in not seeing what is happening around us in circles. Also, how these events that we are encountering are going in circles that no one is not taking action for what is right for what is not wrong to do. It doesn't matter what race you are and what religion you are but we are a union who are trying to help for a better global world. No one deserves to be visible to the truths of the events that are occurring because of modern use of the internet is very fast to see everything that is global now. People are the most important is taking their opinions to the public and sharing their ideas through the modern communication because its the best way for the government to see. Also, many people have blog database where they to get talk about their reactions and ideas about issues they might have to publicize. The modern age has come with great technological innovations since a century ago when the first slaves came during the slave trade period, people who didn't had the rights to vote, and the civil rights movement. This was a very interesting video to learn how many people can be influence by this Ted talk by Gordon Brown on global issues and making the internet a very good tool to use for the better of the world.
In this video about many different global issues we are facing, Gordon Brown presents by showing everyone illustrations about how kids in other countries are suffering and how they are mistreated. I believe its very sad that no one has stand up for their rights for kids who are in poverty, being shot, standing up for what is right and so on. Gordon talks about how no one is showing concern for what is needed and how much people are blind in not seeing what is happening around us in circles. Also, how these events that we are encountering are going in circles that no one is not taking action for what is right for what is not wrong to do. It doesn't matter what race you are and what religion you are but we are a union who are trying to help for a better global world. No one deserves to be visible to the truths of the events that are occurring because of modern use of the internet is very fast to see everything that is global now. People are the most important is taking their opinions to the public and sharing their ideas through the modern communication because its the best way for the government to see. Also, many people have blog database where they to get talk about their reactions and ideas about issues they might have to publicize. The modern age has come with great technological innovations since a century ago when the first slaves came during the slave trade period, people who didn't had the rights to vote, and the civil rights movement. This was a very interesting video to learn how many people can be influence by this Ted talk by Gordon Brown on global issues and making the internet a very good tool to use for the better of the world.
Jonathan Haidt: How common threats can make (political) ground
In Ted video I was watching, I believe that this is true because Jonathan talks about what would happen if an asteroid hits the Earth now if people will forget their differences. If people will get a long with each other and could work together. Also, if global warming increases based on a graph from a scientist and if the temperature keeps increasing in the next half century what would take shape on earth. He explains that low land will no longer exist like parts of Florida will sink to the bottom of ocean that the sea level will rise. Everyone needs to understand the importance of solving these problems of the world and where are we coming from in terms of observing problems like these we will see. Also, Jonathan talks how if we don't get a long in this world then how will we get a long and if we don't then many things will be separated. Then there will always be opposite issues with of a lot parties, religions, political issues, geographical issues, and other issues we could talk about. I believe that this is a common threat everyone has in them. It doesn't matter the ethnicity but will we ever again see the light of the opposite things that won't get a long never again but has to be voted on for reasons.
In Ted video I was watching, I believe that this is true because Jonathan talks about what would happen if an asteroid hits the Earth now if people will forget their differences. If people will get a long with each other and could work together. Also, if global warming increases based on a graph from a scientist and if the temperature keeps increasing in the next half century what would take shape on earth. He explains that low land will no longer exist like parts of Florida will sink to the bottom of ocean that the sea level will rise. Everyone needs to understand the importance of solving these problems of the world and where are we coming from in terms of observing problems like these we will see. Also, Jonathan talks how if we don't get a long in this world then how will we get a long and if we don't then many things will be separated. Then there will always be opposite issues with of a lot parties, religions, political issues, geographical issues, and other issues we could talk about. I believe that this is a common threat everyone has in them. It doesn't matter the ethnicity but will we ever again see the light of the opposite things that won't get a long never again but has to be voted on for reasons.
History:The Means of Destruction
One of the readings I was asked to read for my FCIQ 101 class was " The Means of Destruction" which was about the history of the twentieth century, which talks about how technology has shaped this world through the use of technology and science. I believed that this was very true that technology is involved in massive weapons of destruction, wars, and many famous scientist at work in helping these type of events in being successful. Also, technology has helped both the U.S and Europe at the time in creating many new technology innovations such as the machine guns, atomic bombs by scientists, tanks,air crafts, and poison gases. Both sides were trying to be competitive in many innovation so a side could forfeit from the war to see which side had the best weapons of mass destruction in history. Also, which country in WWII would go down in history name for their leaders and how technology could cause such chaos in World Wars with human beings handling this type of high destruction. I was very intrigued how the technological innovations of many weapons had a very important role between the two opposite sides. Most of these innovations military had a very major part in fighting the war in support of a lot of ammunition. Many scientist worked on nuclear weapons and bombs with a lot of funds from the government in the use of science in this part. As well as making a weapon where it will devastate the opposite side more was the key. During this century it had a major turn in its technological innovations for a war which made it into a factory instead as being an actual country.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
In one of my readings "Freaks, Greeks, and Cool Kids" talks about how teenagers are in terms of the social society we are living in. It talks about status which is the accumulation approval and disapproval that people expresses towards people, groups, or objects. Sociology is the study of the human development and mind. What I was reading in the article about status is that many teenagers talks about their physical appearance of males, how someone that is physically fit can have a major role and can attract attention towards fellow classmates. Many of these attribute has certain dominance with the power they can posses in these kind of environments. Also, females attribute power like the way they dress, how beautiful they can look could have its own power by attracting many other students towards them. It is like having their own power in a certain position in the environment or power in that place they are located at that certain time. I believed that all this is very true in many of the high schools I have seen or been to in many areas in New York. I strongly agree about how teenagers are and how they spend their parents money have a major impact in the country's economy.
In an article I had to read for class was " Why Poor Students Struggle" where many low income students were quitting or stopping to go to school because of how expensive these private college's can be. Also, how if there is a paper work that has been changed in your parents income can lead to less financial aid for you, where money have to come out of your packet or in worse cases you have to quit and find a job. I believe when you move to a different location for a different college you try to get assimulated because you are foreign to the location and major factors have to be taking into accountant as a student from out of state or either international. This separates many major gaps between the wealth of many people and the different economic classes we have. I believe its the separation of students from their own cities that has been affecting many of the students that goes far from home. Its not that they could not do the school work because of how they are thinking when they come from a different environment. I could relate especially moving from South America to North America was a very big change in my life as a child. I was very confuse why I was here? If my life will ever be the same as back home from my home country Guyana?
In an article I had to read for class was " Why Poor Students Struggle" where many low income students were quitting or stopping to go to school because of how expensive these private college's can be. Also, how if there is a paper work that has been changed in your parents income can lead to less financial aid for you, where money have to come out of your packet or in worse cases you have to quit and find a job. I believe when you move to a different location for a different college you try to get assimulated because you are foreign to the location and major factors have to be taking into accountant as a student from out of state or either international. This separates many major gaps between the wealth of many people and the different economic classes we have. I believe its the separation of students from their own cities that has been affecting many of the students that goes far from home. Its not that they could not do the school work because of how they are thinking when they come from a different environment. I could relate especially moving from South America to North America was a very big change in my life as a child. I was very confuse why I was here? If my life will ever be the same as back home from my home country Guyana?
Wade Davis: The worldwide web of belief and ritual
In this video Wade Davis talks about the culture around us and the Neolithic people from thousands of years ago. How society has changed and how many people view many cultures around us? Many people have culture options how we navigate the world. What is the purpose people around the world view many cultures and their life styles? Also, how Wade Davis talks about many cultures and countries he have visited. He talks about what they do and their rigorous rituals they have to perform compared to our's. He talks about Peru rituals, where one person would have climb thousands of feet above ground and back on to the sea level for the whole day. Testing your endurance and physical abilities during these rituals, where you sacrifice a part of you for a more better person you come out as.
In this video Wade Davis talks about the culture around us and the Neolithic people from thousands of years ago. How society has changed and how many people view many cultures around us? Many people have culture options how we navigate the world. What is the purpose people around the world view many cultures and their life styles? Also, how Wade Davis talks about many cultures and countries he have visited. He talks about what they do and their rigorous rituals they have to perform compared to our's. He talks about Peru rituals, where one person would have climb thousands of feet above ground and back on to the sea level for the whole day. Testing your endurance and physical abilities during these rituals, where you sacrifice a part of you for a more better person you come out as.
Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit
In this video a middle school teacher, Angel Duckworth talks about teaching, where teaching is very demanding in almost every area in our society. I believed this is very true and how most students can be smart in her class in most part of her teaching career as a math teacher. But what I found out from this video that most of the smartest students don't have a great IQ score and how these students are not performing the way they are suppose to. In our findings she said we need to find ways how we could motivate our students more and how to make them better in school and in life. Then the students we are surprise to see that don't perform well can also learn from their mistakes through many different motivation process. Then many students would stay through out their education career and how long would it take them to do that. This is very intriguing to me because I had never thought of something like this and how it reflects me as a NYIT student. The thought of knowing which people would stay the most doing their jobs, working under the most worse areas, how these kind of people would change the students there, and for how long many of these people will stay in many of their occupations. I had never thought someone in a video would ask these questions which people are the most successful? Is it the people who stay throughout their company who they work for and who stay through out their high school and college career upon graduation. Are they the most successful and is it the key to many people success in the society we live in?
In this video a middle school teacher, Angel Duckworth talks about teaching, where teaching is very demanding in almost every area in our society. I believed this is very true and how most students can be smart in her class in most part of her teaching career as a math teacher. But what I found out from this video that most of the smartest students don't have a great IQ score and how these students are not performing the way they are suppose to. In our findings she said we need to find ways how we could motivate our students more and how to make them better in school and in life. Then the students we are surprise to see that don't perform well can also learn from their mistakes through many different motivation process. Then many students would stay through out their education career and how long would it take them to do that. This is very intriguing to me because I had never thought of something like this and how it reflects me as a NYIT student. The thought of knowing which people would stay the most doing their jobs, working under the most worse areas, how these kind of people would change the students there, and for how long many of these people will stay in many of their occupations. I had never thought someone in a video would ask these questions which people are the most successful? Is it the people who stay throughout their company who they work for and who stay through out their high school and college career upon graduation. Are they the most successful and is it the key to many people success in the society we live in?
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Week 3 : Sociology, Technology
In this part of the class we discuss what was Sociology and how it's related to our daily lives. Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology is a very diverse in terms of what kind of subjects we all are talking about including the society around of us. We discuss how technology is affecting the society we are living in. I could relate because we were asked to read an article " Is Google Making Us Stupid" I believe it has impacted most of us in a negative way and a positive way because we can choose to abuse its overall power of Google. The positive affects are if you can not find what you are looking for then it is your last resource which we use everyday. Its a tool what we could use nearly for anything that is concerning our minds and what we can not find out any other way. Then there are times when technology affects your total health, eye sights, being lazy in the use of technology verses doing things manually because its much faster now.
We had a debate where one team had the positive affects of technology versus the negative affects of technology in our daily lives. How advancements in technology have made equipments lighter and portable with full computing capabilities such as calculators, calendars, notepads, dictionary, textbooks, and encyclopedia. Also, the negative part is the privacy when messaging on any social media websites such as facebook, twitter, and instagram. Governments will have these information in their data base once it has been posted out there. Then there's location when you message someone you could actually see where they are at that very moment if you choose to make your location available publicly. But technology overall will always have its good parts in them going against the negative part of technology in today society. First of all using technology is everywhere like using the subway metro cards, smart phones being used every where. Making purchases on your phone in many stores and many other innovations.
In one of my previous work, I had to present a persuasive advertisement and I picked this drinking & driving ad where it showed a very strong persuasive image. It almost had me fool in this image because it portrayed a very strong focus of what it was trying to show. Also, there are many consequences and dangerous pathways this ad is showing to us. It is actually telling us the actual image you will see when you decide to drink and drive on the road as soon you enter any type of car.
This is a very effective persuasive ad because its a visual of what you will see when someone drinks and drive. It shows roads that are twisted with curves that looks like a roller coaster and how this would go in this case but its going to be the driver who is drinking. Also, the road is showing the other roads that is collided with one another. It shows a complex picture of how the road direction can lead to a very dangerous pathway to your future and life.
This video made me think how fallacy can be presented in the society. How it was presented in many paintings, sculptures, and other work of art. If it was showing a fake image to our face or when we are trying to describe them. I believe fallacies made you think beyond what you can understand and look very carefully when you are observing many of these things. The video shows different types of fallacies that we are not seeing and why it was very important to know. Also, how false most fallacies could be and true too because many people will have a difficult time in identifying fallacies, even if they don't know that they are doing it.
This video made me think how fallacy can be presented in the society. How it was presented in many paintings, sculptures, and other work of art. If it was showing a fake image to our face or when we are trying to describe them. I believe fallacies made you think beyond what you can understand and look very carefully when you are observing many of these things. The video shows different types of fallacies that we are not seeing and why it was very important to know. Also, how false most fallacies could be and true too because many people will have a difficult time in identifying fallacies, even if they don't know that they are doing it.
This was a very interesting video when I watched it because it talks about the logical fallacy, when it can be either true or false. Also, this video made me understand what a logical fallacy is by the video giving an example like 1+2=3 or it could say 1+2=1 which is a false logical fallacy.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
In this topic I learned what a fallacy is and the meaning of what a fallacy is. The definition of a fallacy is a statement that does not have logic behind the reasoning of the statement. But most of these statements in most readings, newspaper, and in the news are either true or false depending how it is presented to you. It has to reveal a lack in the reasoning of the logic. There are different types of fallacies and there are two types the first one is a formal fallacy and the second is a
substantive fallacy. Most articles has a formal fallacies which was easier to identify which has inappropriate connections are failures of logical connections these articles are trying to make.
The other fallacy is substantive which is the inappropriate connections involve reliance on some very general unjustified assumptions or inferences. This fallacy is probably the more difficult ones because I was having problem myself on how to identify a substantive fallacy in one of my many articles I was reading . I had no clue which statement was a substantive statement in one of the articles I printed out from one of the newspaper websites I was on.
substantive fallacy. Most articles has a formal fallacies which was easier to identify which has inappropriate connections are failures of logical connections these articles are trying to make.
The other fallacy is substantive which is the inappropriate connections involve reliance on some very general unjustified assumptions or inferences. This fallacy is probably the more difficult ones because I was having problem myself on how to identify a substantive fallacy in one of my many articles I was reading . I had no clue which statement was a substantive statement in one of the articles I printed out from one of the newspaper websites I was on.
1. Critical Thinking
I believed that critical thinking is the use of just thinking beyond the knowledge of what you can produce but the other factors that we all can process through out our minds alone. Also, it is the knowledge you can expand on the topic that you are currently trying to incorporate into your mind and your physical being that shows you are capable of understanding the type of difficult reading you can understand. Critical thinking is a process that leads us to more questions, that leads to more discussions, engaging the audience, carefully reading beyond what the reading produces, and talks about a more wider ideas and issues around all of us. Its proposing to a greater cause to not only the reader but a wider range of ideas that surrounds everyone. Also, what I also said about what critical thinking is that the knowledge you have and could expand on the topic on hand. It is based on your personal experiences, social experiences that questions if you can answer fully enough through the process of skills you can acquire through synthesizing many of the text you read in your everyday life. If you you can fully think more about these type of questions and can base it on your own answers then you can fully think critically. Critical thinking is a broad skills that can be incorporated in various subjects that can posses various answers for different subjects.
It is based on your personal experiences, questions we all can answer fully, thinking beyond the questions at hand of the time, and based it on your own experiences. Then I believe you can think critically based on what else you can produce throughout your own experiences from the past. Critical thinking is also based on how you can produce a good quality question where many believe they can not answer but actually could do it. A good question is when you can answer but can expand more about it and also question is not just a yes or no question. It is where you can elaborate your answers into complex answers on the question and base it on your own experiences you may concentrate on. These examples are what do you think about this certain topic and what are the main points or sub points in this passage? It is going beyond the text where you can actually make connections based on your life time experiences. Also, it is expressing many of your answers in different ways rather than the answers you can directly get from the text. It is with this skill that you connect the text with many of the disciplines you have learned into your life, so you can relate this to your own personal experience.
It is based on your personal experiences, questions we all can answer fully, thinking beyond the questions at hand of the time, and based it on your own experiences. Then I believe you can think critically based on what else you can produce throughout your own experiences from the past. Critical thinking is also based on how you can produce a good quality question where many believe they can not answer but actually could do it. A good question is when you can answer but can expand more about it and also question is not just a yes or no question. It is where you can elaborate your answers into complex answers on the question and base it on your own experiences you may concentrate on. These examples are what do you think about this certain topic and what are the main points or sub points in this passage? It is going beyond the text where you can actually make connections based on your life time experiences. Also, it is expressing many of your answers in different ways rather than the answers you can directly get from the text. It is with this skill that you connect the text with many of the disciplines you have learned into your life, so you can relate this to your own personal experience.
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